Tuesday, July 10, 2012

French Toast is a Satin Angora

My youngest daughter has a new friend; thanks to our wonderful friend Lara! He is a beautiful black tortoiseshell Satin Angora rabbit. He was sheared when we came to us. His beautiful satiny coat had the appearance of French Toast...so, Louie became French Toast Louie. 

Kiki has a lot of fun with him.  I was a bit worried about her taking care of an Angora which was one reason we were making her pay for her own rabbit...but the Satin Angora seems right up her alley.  

She helps me with my English, but she's not enamored with them like I am.  She sure seems smitten with French Toast, though.  He hangs out in her room; she feeds, waters, and cleans without any reminders; and she even dares to violate the "no animals on the couch" rule.

 I fuss about it, but really, I am happy to see she has a buddy.  He's very people focused and has such a great personality.  If only he'd help her dirty laundry make it from her room to the laundry basket!

Thanks, Lara (for thinking of us) and Dana (whose breeding program created Louie)!

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