Friday, December 9, 2011

Everyone Loves Chocolate

Our chocolate senior doe Hershey is once again growing wool like mad.  I'm a little worried that she will peak before mid-January when we head to Waxahatchie, but I'm not too terribly upset.  She's just so darn beautiful to me.  So just in case she blows her coat, we'll head to Cleburne to see about getting her pretty self registered.

There are eyes under there...
Hershey is a low maintenance girl.
Quick go-over with wide tooth comb and pet blower, once a week.
That's it...and she looks beautiful.  

All done.
I'm outta here!...Where's my parsley!


  1. Thanks! I hope she graces me with some beautiful babies this spring. ..a doe with great density from Sasha's Haven. I just love her :)


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