Thursday, November 17, 2011

Texas Licensed Breeder Advisory Committee (Dogs and Cats)

Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
The older I get, the more I realize that napping during civics class was probably a bad idea.  My Mom is super involved in the political scene in her hometown. She works hard to make a difference. Kudos to her  because I would describe myself as mildly interested and awfully disillusioned, at best. I WANT to be involved and have a voice.  I keep thinking... if advisory committee meetings were held outdoors in some public garden with each board member wielding a trowel and a pair of knee pads, I would probably go. I would definitely feel more productive.

 The eight Licensed Breeder Advisory Committee 
members are composed of individuals from a 
wide range of interests.
Since committee meeting/garden time is not likely to  happen, I do what I can to satisfy my own feelings about what it means to be an American citizen.  I am currently following the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation's Advisory Board for a new program for licensing dog and cat breeders in the state.  Tuesday's meeting was mostly introductory, but in spite of what the pictures look like (haha) was very interesting.  The board is composed of people with a WIDE range of views (breeders, rescues, veterinary practice, animal control).  I look forward to seeing how they work out their differences and work toward a common goal.

Committee members get a chance to ask questions. 
My interest is mostly in regards to the process of animal care standards development.  This is a big area of debate in the rabbit community. Even though this is a cat and dog Breeder Licensing Advisory Board, I think the process will be enlightening for rabbit folks as well, especially if breeding rabbits is in your future (or present). If you get a chance...check out TDLR's website.  
You can subscribe to the areas you are interested and will receive email updates about meeting dates and agendas.  You can even watch the broadcast live, although the link kept going out during today's meeting.  Not sure if the fault was with me or TDLR, but like many, I tend to blame my government ;) The email subscription service also keeps you in the loop if committee positions are available so you can serve on a board, if that's your kind of thing.  Even if you want a more "hands off" approach, you can follow the legislation and email public comments to be addressed at future TDLR advisory board meetings...all in the comfort of your own home.

Like Mom always says, "If you do not take an interest in your government, someone else you really want someone else to decide what's best for YOU?"   Awww....Rats!

Next Meeting: The Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation is scheduled to meet Wednesday, December 14 at 9:00 a.m. in the 1st Floor Public Meeting Room of TDLR's North Campus, located at 1106 Clayton Lane in Austin. Once an agenda has been finalized, it will be posted on the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation web site. The meeting will be broadcast and available for viewing in RealPlayer.

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